Friday, September 20, 2013

A note on Chex Mix.

As I write this, I am contentedly sitting with my new, thrifted find of a cozy, white blanket, a cup of apple cider, and before you think, “aw, what a dreamy situation” I will add that I am also nursing my abused lip back to health. You may ask how my lip came to be abused—was I in a fight? Or perhaps mishandled the curling iron this morning? That would be a no to both statements. I doubt that you will believe the truth, but here it is: my lip suffers from Chex Mix brush burns. I did not know that this was at all possible until today, and as a result, I highly warn against taking late lunches.

Doing so brings no benefit: your stomach scorns you for longer amounts of time, you become grumpy because your stomach scorns you, and it turns one animalistic from such great hunger and warrants rapid tossing of food into the mouth. In a similar scenario, my lip was dealt an unkind hand from the Chex Mix. 

Now one cannot just go about stating that they cannot smile without their lip hurting or that the peculiar red mark on their lip was in fact a result of eating like a starved hyena. Well, I suppose you could but you must be prepared for different reactions from different people. So until that lip heals, I submit a few, helpful ideas.

1.      Ignore the situation. Now if you are like “the me” of my past, you won’t want to admit to any embarrassing situations, in other words, admitting that you are actually human, that you get hungry, and sometimes so hungry that you cram outrageous amounts of food in your noggin at the same time. This path of action might result in some social issues. People might not understand why you so quickly change the subject from red marks to that paper due on Friday, or why you are looking at the ground for extended amounts of time, or why you are sitting in dark corners and acting as if no one can see you. But you can always make up for lost time in the social realm later and at least no one will know how you like to eat your Chex Mix. 

2.      Chalk it up to your undying love of that deliciously, crunchy snack. Go ahead, tell ‘em the truth, there is no shame in loving a good snack. Be sure to whip out that Thesaurus and use multiple adjectives and descriptive phrases, like: crispy, inspiring, savory, and out-of-this-world. Hey, General Mills might even hire you for standing by their product with so much passion. 

3.      Laugh about it and drink apple cider. I have come to find that laughing at yourself, at least for me, is a learning experience. But now that I have crossed that threshold, I do it daily—often multiple times. Once you open yourself up to realize that as much as you can try, you won’t be perfect and such efforts often result in humorous situations, you find yourself laughing more, making the most of up’s and down’s, and on a serious note, trusting God more. I don’t know what Apple Cider has to do with anything, but it’s fall and it certainly has a nice ring to it. 

If this post has made you feel like snacking, here’s my favorite recipe for Mom’s Chex Mix by Wit & Whistle (a very inspirational blog that I recommend checking out for more than the recipe).

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