Friday, September 13, 2013

Renewed creativity.

I am happy to say that this week has been looking up. For reality sake, as I write this, I have been at work for two hours and wishing that they could have been spent with my pillow instead. However, my exhaustion cannot snuff the spurt of creativity that I have been on. 

What a happy day when I discovered my work to be enjoyable rather than stressful. It was another early morning, just like this, but my mind was craving a moment to create and lo, and behold, a bit of inspiration hit me over the head. One hour later a brand new design of my very own, stared back at me from my computer. That was the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the 9 hours seemed to fly by as I concocted and tweaked design after design. Not only did I finish my project, I continued to check others off my list, and had some personal fun with Photoshop. Needless to say, it was a great feeling.
Upon arriving home later in the day, my husband and I went through our usual routine of dinner, cleaning up, and homework. But instead of the gross, “I feel like doing absolutely nothing” mood that usually occurs after long days, my creative juices were flowing with no intention of stopping any time soon. I couldn’t sit still, I HAD to do something. By the time we were saying, “goodnight”—I had re-arranged all of the home décor, doodled some ideas for designing the next day, researched how to seal DIY wood coasters, and began a fall wreath for our door. The living room floor remains littered with my hot glue gun, fabric cutter, and little scraps of paper that I struggle to put away because then I have to wait to continue things later. 

I love those moments. Those moments after the well has been dry for some time, when suddenly inspiration hits out of nowhere and creativity just erupts everywhere you go. Those moments when colors are so vivid and mysteriously wonderful, new patterns and textures are begun, and the blueprints for new ideas form in your mind until your fingers ache to act upon them. Those moments when the light bulb is switched “on” and as evidenced universally and from the past, some of the greatest art, ideas and inventions are created. 

It makes me thankful that I have been created in God’s image, instilled with His creativity. I like to think, in the artistic side of my brain, that when God made the world, He painted the mountains, quilted the clouds, and carved the rivers. Doing the dishes has become a hobby of mine; not only because they are constantly multiplying, but also because I get to look out my little window for 20 minutes and watch the bunnies nimble, the sky transform it’s colors, and winds gently rustle through the trees. How great is our God! There is constant evidence of Him through His artistry, mainly in humanity, though some wish to deny that. It sends chills up my spine to revel at the greatness of God; I am left awestruck by the beauty He has created so perfectly and purposefully. The Master Designer and Creator. This is where I draw my inspiration. 

More often than not, the “well is dry” when I cease to remember my Creator and get lost in the details of life. Schedules and deadlines trump the simplicity and beauty that is found in quiet moments with God. Life becomes too rushed to stop and admire God’s creation. And after all of that, I still wonder why I can’t find inspiration to write, paint, or design. God is the source for all things good, I cannot create apart from His enablement, I cannot have peace, I cannot grow, I cannot love, and the list goes on and on. How humbling it is to know that God “knit me together” and takes personal interest in me despite my shortcomings, continually offering His grace and sufficiency. My specific prayer for this month is that, I would spend more time in getting to know Him more. Not so that I have constant creative flow or to have selfish confidence, but so that I can know the One whom all things are made for. 

By the way, aren’t the Log Bowls at the top amazing? I found them at Loyal Loot, I can’t afford the price so it’s eye candy for now (I think I’ve come up with a new, future DIY project.)

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